Formerly the Office of Phyllis M. Schaub, DDS

What to Do Should Your Dental Bridge Fall Out

October 13, 2022

A hand holding a dental bridge that fell out

All in all, dental bridges make for good replacement teeth. Not only do they fill your smile gaps, but they also look lifelike and help you chew food. That said, these prosthetics do have their share of weaknesses. In particular, you may one day find that your dental bridge fell out. Should that happen, though, there’s no reason to panic; your dentist can solve the issue with treatment. To learn more, here’s a summary of why bridges can fall out and what you should do before your emergency dental visit.

Why Do Dental Bridges Fall Out?

Though bridges are more secure than, say, dentures, they can fall out of your mouth at times. They usually do so as a result of the following:

  • Tooth Decay: When decay forms around a dental bridge, the connection between your gums and the support teeth weakens. Left untreated, this weakening can cause your bridge to fall out. It’s thus essential to clean your natural and replacement teeth every day.
  • Bad Abutment Teeth: If your bridge’s abutment teeth become damaged or weak after your fitting, the restoration is likely to fall out.
  • An Irregular Bite: Sometimes, a bridge can fall off when the bite around it has an irregular pattern. In such cases, said pattern puts pressure on a dental bridge and eventually dislodges it from your mouth.

What to Do While You Wait for Your Dentist

Of course, the first thing to do when a bridge falls out is book a dental visit. However, you may need to wait before your appointment time arrives. Until you can see your dentist, then, try doing the things below:

Save the Prosthetic

In some situations, a dentist may be able to save your bridge. Therefore, you’ll want to save and store your prosthetic securely. That way, a dental practice could repair or reattach it at your upcoming visit.

For example, consider keeping your bridge in a Ziploc bag and putting it somewhere you’ll easily remember.

Be Careful of Chewing

When a bridge falls out of your mouth, the area where it usually sits becomes vulnerable. Namely, nearby teeth and gums are exposed and at risk of damage.

Given this fact, try to avoid chewing in the affected area. If you do, the area’s tooth structure could break off or decay.

Even if your dental bridge fell out, there’s no reason to worry too much. By knowing the causes and tips listed above, you can restore your smile in no time.

About the Practice

Palm Dentistry is based in Mission Viejo, CA. As led by Dr. Sienna Palmer, our practice provides high-quality dentistry tailored to your needs. To that end, we perform personalized preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, as well as emergency procedures. Our team is also a certified provider of Invisalign clear aligners and dental sedation! For more information or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (949)-365-0951.