Formerly the Office of Phyllis M. Schaub, DDS

More Than Wrinkles: How Botox Can Put a Stop to TMJ Pain & Headaches

September 12, 2023

woman receiving Botox for TMJ relief

Practically everyone has heard of Botox at this point. It’s a well-known treatment for reducing and even eliminating fine lines and facial wrinkles, but did you know it has another use that is scarcely talked about in the media? For decades, Botox has offered a quick and effective way to relieve jaw pain and headaches associated with TMJ disorder, or dysfunction of the jaw joint. How does this work, and if you’re struggling with these problems, should you consider getting Botox?

How Botox Can Stop TMJ Pain

The way Botox works is relatively straightforward. The substance (which is a diluted form of Botulinum toxin) is injected into a muscle, and this causes it to relax and be unable to tense. When administered into the face, this prevents the contractions that lead to the skin folding and wrinkling, leading to a smoother, more youthful appearance.

But, when applied to overactive or strained jaw muscles, Botox can halt the activity that is the source of chronic soreness and headaches. TMJ pain often stems from unconscious movement or tensing of the jaw that someone cannot control (like during sleep). Botox treatment puts a stop to this, preventing the source of discomfort so the patient never develops it and can be more comfortable day to day.

The Benefits of Botox for TMJ

One of the best things about Botox, whether you’re getting it for wrinkles or TMJ pain, is that it works relatively quickly. The treatment typically only takes about ten minutes, and patients tend to notice a small difference immediately with the full results becoming apparent after two to three days.

From there, they can be trusted to last for about three to four months before someone needs to come in for another treatment. For patients who have been struggling with TMJ-related issues for years, getting lasting relief in a short period of time can be completely life-changing.

Why You Should Get Botox From a Dentist

If you’re dealing with TMJ problems, a dentist is the ideal person for you to visit for help. They are trained to not only treat individual teeth, but also make sure your entire bite is balanced and pain-free. Botox is considered to be a short-term treatment because while it stops the pain, it only does so temporarily. But, by partnering with a dentist, they can give you Botox to help you feel better right away, and then they can provide a more long-term solution. This usually involves slightly adjusting your teeth to evenly distribute your bite or giving you a small mouthguard to wear to bed to protect against grinding.

When it comes to Botox, the potential benefits are more than just skin-deep! This treatment has literally helped millions of patients across the globe enjoy pain-free days again, and it can do the same for you.

About the Author

Dr. Sienna Palmer earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree at the distinguished Ostrow School of Dentistry at the University of Southern California. She is dedicated to helping her patients achieve beautiful smiles and live comfortable lives, which is why she offers Botox treatment for TMJ dysfunction. If you regularly experience an aching jaw or headaches/migraines, you can contact her online or dial (949) 365-0951 to start talking about your treatment options.