Formerly the Office of Phyllis M. Schaub, DDS

Palm Dentistry Blog

Will Dental Implants Set Off Metal Detectors at the Airport?

August 14, 2021

Model of a dental implant next to a natural tooth

Traveling is one of life’s greatest pleasures. But when you’re traveling by air, one major stressor is getting through airport security. And the last thing you need is the added worry of not knowing if your dental implants will set off the metal detectors or not. But while this certainly can happen, you’ll be glad to hear that it’s relatively rare and that most people get through security without any problems. Learn more below about how metal detectors work and why dental implants don’t usually set them off! 


Can I Still Get Cavities If I Have Veneers?

June 17, 2021

Closeup of patient's smile after learning about maintaining your veneers

Veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments available, and it’s easy to see why! These ultra-thin shells of porcelain offer a comprehensive and long-lasting way to transform any number of flaws into a beautiful smile! However, once you get the smile of your dreams, you have to continue to take care of it. Read on as we cover some of the most important tips for maintaining your veneers in order to prevent getting cavities!


7 Things You Should Know Before Getting Veneers

April 12, 2021

dentist holding a row of veneers up to a young woman’s smile

Have you been wanting to fix the flaws in your teeth, but you’re not sure exactly how? Veneers are a great way to erase dental imperfections and give you a smile you can feel proud of. However, getting veneers is not a decision to be made lightly. Before committing to veneers, it’s important to understand a few things about your new smile. Here are seven facts about veneers that you should know first.
