Formerly the Office of Phyllis M. Schaub, DDS

What Are Invisalign Refinements?

March 28, 2023

Dentist holding Invisalign and dental moldIf you’ve chosen Invisalign to improve your smile, you’ve made a smart choice. Your dentist used advanced technology to fabricate a series of clear aligners to move your teeth with the utmost precision. You might be surprised if your dentist has recommended refinements. Sometimes, teeth don’t always move as expected. Your dentist can correct the issue using customized aligners after already beginning your Invisalign treatment. Here’s what you can expect on the road ahead.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign doesn’t rely on brackets and wires to move your teeth. Instead, a series of aligners are used to apply continual pressure. Each aligner moves your teeth gradually when worn for at least 22 hours per day. Switching to a new aligner every 1-2 weeks fixes bite and alignment problems. Most patients are finished with their series in about 12 months without any complications along the way. Every treatment timeline differs based on various factors, like the complexity of your case, age, and committing to your dentist’s instructions.

What are Invisalign Refinements?

Only 20% of Invisalign users require modifications after beginning their treatment. Although it’s rare, you need to maintain your regular appointments with your dentist, so they can monitor the progression of your treatment. If they find anything concerning, like a tooth moving in an unplanned direction, they may recommend making some adjustments, called Invisalign refinements. 

How Do Invisalign Refinements Work?

Don’t worry, your refinement aligners will look just like your regular trays. They are fabricated to address specific concerns using advanced digital technology.

Each aligner will apply precise pressure on specific teeth. However, there will be one minor change to your regular routine. You will switch to a new aligner every 2-3 weeks. Your dentist will determine the number of refinements needed based on your situation.

Preventing Invisalign Refinements

While 80% to 90% of Invisalign patients don’t need refinements, you can lessen your risk by keeping a few tips in mind:

  • Wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day.
  • Don’t go for a long time without wearing your aligners.
  • Wear your aligners in the right order.
  • Switch to the next aligner in your series on time.
  • Maintain regular check-ins with your dentist.

While you probably didn’t anticipate your plan to change, Invisalign refinements ensure the best results. Your dentist will make the modifications necessary to guarantee your investment is successful.

About Dr. Sienna Palmer

Dr. Palmer earned her dental degree from the Ostrow School of Dentistry and has regularly continued her education in many specialties, including achieving her certification in Invisalign. She is a proud member of the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and several other professional organizations. Request an appointment through our website or call (949) 558-0043.